Solutions to improve your business.

Innovative Solutions for Tomorrow

Welcome to SRM Technology, where expertise meets innovation in international business, engineering, pulp and paper industry, and security. With a rich background in these diverse fields, we are poised to improve your company's operations. Our mission is simple yet powerful: to introduce technical solutions that enhance production processes and elevate business outcomes. At SRM, we partner with companies that boast cutting-edge, high-tech solutions, enabling significant increases in productivity and efficiency. With a commitment to excellence, we operate through two distinct divisions: Pulp & Paper and Security. 


Market analysis, customer assessment, finding partnerships


Individual projects with our suppliers in Pulp and Paper production and Security.


Through our team and outsourced partners


Pixact offers state of the art flow analysis which enable mill to understand the quality of paper / pulp allowing for gains in quality and productivity.


Sieza - Peredict + Perimeter Detection Solution is a state-of -the-art solution with the highest efficiency and lowest false-positive incidents. Schools, embassies, hospitals, stadiums, warehouses, in more than 50 countries using our technology.

Pauli K Soisalo


Over 35 years’ experience in international business, having been the representative for multinational companies in Europe, Central and South America, as a professional in the international paper, board, and packaging segment, as well as defense and security industries.

  • São Paulo, Brazil